Program Recognition Council

Job Description

General Committee Chair Responsibilities

  • All Committee Chairs (both incoming and outgoing Chairs) are expected to attend the Committee Chair workshop held during the Annual Meeting. The Vice President conducts the workshop for instructing new committee members.
  • Committee Chair will conduct a meeting of the National Committee as scheduled by the Board during the Annual Meeting. The meeting is used to: develop the committee program for the coming year and report the plans of the committe's work to the NACAA Board.
  • Chair should always work through the Regional Vice Chairs. Regional Vice Chairs are responsible for securing information and participation from states in region. They should work closely with State Committee to be sure all members participating in award programs were members of NACAA by March 15 of the current year. The same date will be used to decide years of service.
  • Chairs should keep the Vice President and Council Chair informed of committee progress by providing copies of correspondence. Also, prepare a short progress report to be used by the Council Chair and Vice President at the Winter and Spring Board Meetings. Chairs also need to complete the "Report to the Membership" before the Annual Meeting.



The objective of the Communications Committee will be to enhance the communication skills and knowledge of the County Agent through promotion and recognition efforts.

Conduct the Communications Award Program, working closely with its sponsors and supporters, to sharpen communication skills, encouraging interest, and sharing ideas with other Extension workers. NACAA members can apply to 13 communication award categories. Each communication category is listed in the Special Edition issue of "The County Agent."

National Chair:

Beyond the general responsibilities, the National Chair is responsible for putting together a team of judges for the selection of the national finalists and national winner for each award category.

Vice Chairs:

The Vice Chair is responsible for putting together a team of judges for the selection of three regional winners for each category. The regional winners will be selected from the state award winners sent them by state chairs.


  • The objective of the Extension Programs Committee will be to promote and recognize quality program efforts of NACAA members. Also, to design methods of transferring such excellence in programming to other County Agents across the United States.
  • Conduct recognition programs in program development, implementation and evaluation by NACAA members, including:
    • Environmental Protection Through Responsible Use of Pesticides
    • Crop Production Program
    • Livestock Production Program
    • Farm Financial Management Program

National Chair:

Beyond the general responsibilities, the National Chair is responsible for putting together a team of judges for the selection of the national finalists and national winner for each award category.

Vice Chairs:

Beyond keeping state chairs updated on committee activities, the Vice Chair is responsible for putting together a team of judges for the selection of three regional winners for each category. The regional winners will be selected from amongst the state award winners sent them by the state chairs.


The objective of the Professional Excellence Committee will be to showcase excellence in program efforts of NACAA members. This will be done by giving them the opportunity to present posters and abstract papers at the NACAA Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference. Another objective to this committee is to assist members with career promotion and performance evaluation. If the member has distinguished themselves by becoming a national finalist in an award program, an abstract of their award winning program will be published. All abstracts from accepted poster session entrants will be published as well. The abstract will be published in the Annual Meeting Proceedings and other methods deemed useful.

General Responsibilities:

  • Collect abstracts from poster session entrants and publish them as a supplement to the AM/PIC proceedings.
  • Provide guidelines for poster preparation and judging.
  • Recruit judges not from the AM/PIC region to judge posters.
  • Work with AM/PIC committee regarding poster session placement and logistics.
  • Provide information to general membership on poster preparation and writing abstracts.
  • Prepare and publish abstracts of national finalists from other award committees.
  • Implement methods for NACAA to be a catalyst and vehicle for its members to use for publishing and presenting papers at annual meetings.



  • The objective of the 4-H and Youth Committee will be to enhance the 4-H program efforts of NACAA members.
  • Develop and promote 4-H and Youth professional improvement opportunities for NACAA members through;
    • NACAA Annual Meeting in cooperation with the NACAA President.
    • "The County Agent" magazine.
    • Other regional and national 4-H conferences and workshops.


  • Conduct the 4-H Recognition Award Program (sponsored by NACAA).
  • Conduct the 4-H Talent Review at the NACAA Annual Meeting in cooperation with the host state and region.
  • The National Chair represents NACAA on youth issues with ES-USDA and the National 4-H Council or at other times at the NACAA President's request.



  • It is the responsibility of all members of the Association to promote good public relations. However, this committee will assume leadership in developing suggestions for improving the public image of Cooperative Extension and the County Agent.
  • Implement a system whereby all NACAA award recipients receive recognition in their home community media and acknowledgment to advisory committees and supervisors.
  • Included as recipients will be elected officers and directors, DSA and AA recipients, and professional improvement programs. The committee will work with the chairs of the appropriate committees for implementation and maintenance of the system.
  • Conduct the Public Relations In Daily Efforts (PRIDE) program.
  • Conduct the Squanto program at the NACAA Annual Meeting.



The objective of the Recognition and Awards Committee will be to provide leadership in the recognition of outstanding accomplishments by NACAA members including the selection and appropriate recognition of three awards programs. They will administer, with the approval of the Board of Directors, the selection and presentation of the Distinguished Service Award, the Achievement Award and the Pursell Pinnacle Award.


  • Will prepare and mail to the Regional Vice Chairs eligibility procedure and report forms in sufficient quantity to supply the states in their region, information concerning the Distinguished Service Award and the Achievement Award.
  • Check for accuracy, individual forms as they are received from the Vice Chairs.
  • Check with the NACAA Treasurer to be sure that all nominees are in good standing.
  • Contact each nominee regarding their attendance at the Annual Meeting (breakfast and banquet) to receive their award. Also, check on correct spelling of name to be used on certificates.
  • Check with ES/USDA for names of NACAA members receiving USDA honors.
  • Obtain certificates and arrange to have the names engraved on the certificates.
  • Purchase plaques and mount certificates.
  • Work with NACAA Annual Meeting Committee and the President-Elect in making definite plans for the awards portion of the Annual Banquet.
  • With the assistance of the Regional Vice Chairs, make presentation of DSA certificates at the Annual Meeting Banquet and the AA certificates at the Awards Breakfast.


Regional Vice Chair

  • Mail awards information and forms to the state representative. Contact the State Association President if an active NACAA Committee member does not represent a state.
  • Make sure that each state in the region acts on schedule and forwards the necessary data and information on DSA and AA nominees.
  • Will review all data and make corrections where necessary. Reduce or rewrite citations to a maximum of 75 words in length.
  • Will forward one completed copy of nominees' material to the National Chair after checking, but before April 1. The second copy of the nominees' data is to be kept on file until after the Annual Meeting in case of accident to forms forwarded to the National Chair.
  • Will assist the Chair with the program honoring the DSAs at the Annual Banquet and the AAs at the Awards Breakfast.
  • Assist the Chair with the picture taking of DSAs and AAs and their spouses following the state picture taking.



The Scholarship Committee is charged with the responsibility of promoting the scholarship program by obtaining funds from Extension personnel, friends of NACAA, and others interested in this effort. The committee should, by working with other committees with responsibility concerning the scholarship fund, enable NACAA to provide scholarships to members as a means of encouraging and supporting professional improvement.

National Scholarship Chair

  • Coordinate the three (3) sections of the NACAA Scholarship Committee membership: active NACAA members, Life Members, and friends of Extension.
  • Assume responsibility for reporting total Scholarship Committee Report to membership at Annual Meeting.
  • Work with Regional Vice Chairs; Life Member Committee Chair and Regional Vice Directors in developing regional and state plans to raise monies from NACAA members, businesses, industry, and foundations.
  • Assume responsibility for receiving and accounting of funds received from all sources; membership, Life Members, and Friends of Extension, and maintain records on computer.
  • Forward all funds received to Treasurer, NACAA Foundation for investment and management.
  • To encourage NACAA members to submit applications for individual and group scholarships. To assist them in understanding the application process. To provide information to the Editor of the County Agent publication and the Electronics Communications Coordinator that will promote scholarship applications.
  • To receive all NACAA Scholarship Applications from the Regional Vice Chairs, check the applications for accuracy, and distribute the applications to the NACAA Scholarship selection committee before the annual meeting.
  • Organize the Scholarship Selection Committee meeting during the annual meeting. Inform the scholarship selection committee of the Foundation's Trustee's decision on the funds available for scholarships. To assist the selection committee in determining amounts and numbers of scholarships to be awarded for the coming Association year.
  • Inform NACAA Scholarship recipients of their awards and the procedures to follow in claiming their scholarships.
  • Direct the Foundation Board treasurer to send scholarship payments to the scholarship recipients after all the requirements of the scholarship are met.


Regional Vice Chairs

  • Serve as communication link between NACAA Scholarship Chair and State Scholarship Committee members.
  • Assist in the collection of scholarship funds from State Committee Chair members; forward collected funds to the NACAA Scholarship Chair.
  • Assist Scholarship Committee Chair in preparation of reports, Plan of Work, and other tasks as requested by the Committee Chair.
  • Process all scholarship applications from each State Scholarship Committee Chair. Check all applications for accuracy and completion before forwarding to NACAA Scholarship Committee Chair.
  • Secure any information necessary from State Committee Chairs to ensure that each scholarship application is complete and accurate.
  • Use the State Committee Chairs to ensure that the National Committee Chair receives the written report of the scholarship recipients.
  • The Vice Chair in the region that hosts the annual meeting will be responsible for organizing the scholarship auction at that annual meeting.