Journal of the NACAA
ISSN 2158-9429
Volume 1, Issue 1 - July, 2008


Developing Beef Quality Assurance Materials for Youth

Holmgren, L.N., Extension Agent, Utah State University Extension
Chapman, C. K., Extension Area Animal Scientist, Utah State University
Zobell, D., Extension Beef Specialist, Utah State University


4-H and FFA livestock programs provide a unique educational experience for youth development. In Utah, 4-H and FFA youth livestock projects produce livestock including beef, pork and lamb with a commercial market value of more than $1 million per year. Youth must realize that they are not just raising a project for the county fair; they are in the business of producing a food product for the consumer. This program focuses on the beef aspect of youth market livestock projects and how beef quality assurance principles can be applied to beef projects. Economic and production data on live animals and corresponding carcass information were collected. Digital photographs and video footage of live beef animals and carcasses were taken to provide FFA instructors, county agents and youth leaders with visual teaching aids. This project focuses on three objectives. 1) Help youth understand and have an increased awareness of the commercial livestock industry; 2) teach principles of Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) and how these principles relate to youth livestock projects; and 3) provide 4-H and FFA leaders and teachers with materials to enable them to teach Beef Quality Assurance. 4-H and FFA beef project leaders and parents can use these materials to teach their youth about live animal and carcass evaluation and BQA and how they can produce a better beef product for the consumer.
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