Journal of the NACAA
ISSN 2158-9429
Volume 2, Issue 1 - September, 2009


Northeast Ohio Wine Traveler Study

Marrison, D.L., Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University


The grape and wine industry is a dynamic part of the northeast Ohio's economy with 1,300 acres of vineyards and 20 wineries. In 2007, OSU Extension led a study to determine the wine preferences, travel spending patterns, and demographics of visitors to wineries in Ashtabula, Lake, and Geauga counties. One-hundred thirty-one visitors were randomly selected and asked twenty-nine questions. Fifty-nine percent of the respondents were between the ages of 40-60 years old with 87.7% completing some college course work or higher. Respondents indicated their preference for wine type to be forty-nine percent (48.7%) red, thirty-eight percent (37.6%) white, and fourteen percent (13.7%) undecided. Over eighty-eight percent (88.5%) indicated the wineries were the primary purpose of their visit to region and thirty-four percent (33.6%) planned to stay overnight. Nearly twenty percent (19.8%) planned to eat breakfast, fifty percent (50.4%) lunch, and seventy-three percent (72.5%) dinner while visiting wineries in the tri-county area. Respondents were asked to report the different locations they purchase wine. Almost sixty-eight percent (67.9%) purchase at a winery, seventy-one percent (71.0%) at a grocery, thirty-seven percent (36.6%) at a beverage store, twenty-eight percent (28.2%) at a restaurant, and eight percent (7.6%) on-line. It is estimated nearly $13.2 million is spent by visitors for gas, lodging and food in the tri-county area. As a result of this study, OSU Extension has shared the survey results with the Ohio Wine Producers Association and has been made available to the northeast Ohio wineries for reference as they develop their marketing strategies.

The Northeast Ohio’s grape and wine industry continues to be a dynamic part of the state’s agriculture and tourism industries with 1,300 acres of grape vineyards and more than 20 wineries. The northeast Ohio counties of Ashtabula, Lake, and Geauga are home to approximately sixty-five percent of Ohio’s vineyards. A 2007 survey by the Orbitz Worldwide travel company1 ranked the Grand River Valley wine region located in northeast Ohio sixth in its top ten wine destinations.
To help determine the economic impact of visitors to the northeast Ohio grape and wine industry, three organizations (Ohio State University Extension, Ohio Wine Producers Association, Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District) collaborated to conduct the Northeast Ohio Wine Traveler Study. The purpose of this study was to determine the wine preferences, travel spending patterns, and demographics of visitors to wineries in Ashtabula, Lake, and Geauga counties.
A questionnaire was developed in the spring of 2007 and pilot tested utilizing input from the Ohio grape industry. This project was reviewed by the Institutional Review Board at The Ohio State University. One-hundred thirty-one (131) of the estimated 494,000 annual visitors2 to wineries in northeast Ohio were randomly selected and interviewed on random dates and times. Participants were asked twenty-nine questions by volunteers from the Ohio Wine Producers Association. The interviews were conducted between July and October 2007. Data were analyzed using the statistical program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
Wine Preferences & Travel Spending Patterns
Respondents to the survey indicated their preference for wine type to be forty-nine percent (48.7%) red, thirty-eight percent (37.6%) white, and fourteen percent (13.7%) undecided. Fifty-six percent (56.0%) indicated they prefer a sweet wine, thirty-nine percent (38.5%) dry, and six percent (5.5%) undecided.
Over eighty-eight percent (88.5%) indicated the wineries were the primary purpose of their visit to the local region and thirty-four percent (33.6%) planned to stay overnight in the region. The average overnight stay reported was 1.47 nights. For those staying overnight, twenty-one percent (21.3%) stayed at a private residence, twenty-three percent (23.4%) at a hotel, twenty-one percent (21.3%) at a bed & breakfast, nineteen percent (19.1%) at a lodge, eleven percent (10.6%) at a campground and four percent (4.3%) listed other. The average size of the parties visiting the wineries was 3.05 persons.
Respondents indicated they planned to visit an average of 3.93 wineries on their trip. During their visits, respondents planned to purchase 3.42 glasses and 3.77 bottles of wine. They also planned to purchase 5.60 bottles to take home at the average cost of $8.11 per bottle. Nine percent (9.0%) planned to purchase a gift at the winery at an average expense of $54.61. When asked the question, “How much have they ever paid for a bottle of wine?”, the range was $10 to $1,800 with the average price per bottle at $51.66.
On their trip, thirty-seven percent (36.6%) of the respondents planned to purchase an average of 12.61 gallons of gas. More than ninety-four percent (94.5%) traveled in a car, three percent (3.1%) on a motorcycle, two percent (1.6%) in a motor home and one percent (0.8%) listed other. Respondents were also asked what meals they would eat in the tri-county area as a result of visiting the wineries. Nearly twenty percent (19.8%) planned to eat breakfast, fifty percent (50.4%) lunch, and seventy-three percent (72.5%) dinner.
Respondents were asked what prompted them to make a winery visit. Reasons included: wine trail event (11.5%), part of an organized activity (13.0%), stopped on a whim (23.7%), brought friends (19.8%), and other (32.0%). Some of the reasons listed as other included: planned visit, open house, out of wine at home, Christmas shopping, visit every week, sanity break, to hear the band, email mailing list invitation, and a side trip on their vacation.
Participants were also asked what other attractions they had participated in or planned to on their current visit to the area. Respondents planned to shop (13.7%), visit a local museum (3.8%), visit a cultural event (3.8%), visit a farm market (6.1%), visit an amusement facility (7.6%), participate in a nature activity (6.1%), visit an historical site (3.1%), or other (12.2%). Some of the other activities included: car show, see Lake Erie, attend a Cleveland Browns game, boating, parade, church, flea market, medieval fair, picking out a Christmas tree, and antiquing. Seven percent (7.6%) indicated they would only be visiting wineries on their trip.
Respondents were asked to cite the different locations where they typically purchase wine. More than sixty- eight percent (67.9%) purchase at a winery, seventy-one percent (71.0%) at a grocery, thirty-seven percent (36.6%) at a beverage store, twenty-eight percent (28.2%) at a restaurant, and eight percent (7.6%) on-line. Asked how frequently they drink wine, respondents indicated thirty percent (29.2%) drink daily, fifty percent (50.0%) weekly, nineteen percent (19.2%) one or two times per month, and two percent (1.6%) less than once per month.
Fifty-six percent (56.5%) of the respondents had participated in a wine festival or wine event not held on at a winery. Respondents indicated they had participated in Vintage Ohio, Geneva Grape Jamboree, Tall Ships Wine Tasting, Leland Wine Festival in Michigan, American Wine Society, Kent State Wine Festival, Cherry Valley Vintage Ohio, and Niagara Wine Tour.
Survey respondents were asked a variety of demographic questions as well. These questions examined gender, age, household income, and formal education attained. Fifty-four percent (54.4%) of the survey respondents were female. Fifty-nine percent of the survey respondents were between the age of 40-60 years old. Fifty-one percent (50.6%) of the respondents’ household income ranged between $50,000 and $100,000 (Table 1). Over forty-four (44.3%) percent of the survey respondents had a Bachelor’s degree or higher with 87.7% having some college course work or higher (Table 2).
Table 1. Household Income
Household Income
Less than $25,000
$25,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $74,999
$75,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
Over $150,000
Did not report
Table 2. Formal Education Attained
Highest Level of Education Completed
Grade School
High School
Some College or Technical School
Bachelor’s Degree
Some Post Graduate Work
Masters Degree

Economic Impact of Travelers
Visitors to northeast Ohio not only purchase wine, gifts, and food while at the area wineries but
also gas, food and overnight lodging. An estimation of the money spent on these three expenses can be found in Table 3. It should be noted the information listed in this table does not reflect
monies spent for other activities (e.g., golf, museums, and sporting events) during their trip.
Table 3. Estimated Value of Consumer Spending for Lodging, Gas, & Meals
Percentage of Survey Respondents Purchasing (n=131
Value for Survey Group
Estimated Value to Winery Visitor Population (estimate of 494,000 visitors) f
Hotel, Lodge or
$738 a
$2,782,000 f
Bed & Breakfast
$545 b
$2,055,000 f
$130 c
$490,000 f
$660 d
$2,490,000 f
$1,425 e
$5,373,000 f
$13,190,000 f
a Value of lodging used was $75 per night (1.47 nights per average stay)
   Assumes average party size of 3.05 persons traveling and lodging together
b Value of gas was $2.75 per gallon with average purchase of 12.61 gallons ($34.67 total) Assumes average party size of 3.05 persons traveling together
c Breakfast valued at $5.00 per person
d Lunch valued at $10.00 per person
e Dinner valued at $15.00 per person
f Assumes 494,000 visitors per year and that percentages from survey group hold true to entire population. Rounded to nearest thousand
It is estimated nearly $13.2 million is spent by visitors for gas, lodging and food in the tri-county area. This estimation was calculated using $75 for lodging, $5 for breakfast, $10 for lunch and $15 for dinner. A gas price of $2.75 per gallon was used based on the average gas prices for northeast Ohio during the survey period. The average party size of 3.05 persons was
used in the lodging and gas calculations.
It is evident the grape and wine industry is a very valuable component of the northeast Ohio agricultural and tourism industries. An estimated 494,000 individuals visit the local wineries each year purchasing wine, food and gifts on-site and add to the local economy by purchasing an estimated $13.2 million dollars worth of gas, food and lodging in the communities surround the northeast Ohio wineries. As a result of this study, OSU Extension has shared the survey results with the Wine Producers Association and has been made available to the northeast Ohio wineries for reference as they develop their marketing strategies. It has also been shared with the country visitor’s bureaus to use in promotional advertisement. The results were also shared at a variety of Extension and community forums
1Orbitz Worldwide Travel Company. (2007) Fastest-Growing Destinations for Wine and Culinary Enthusiasts. Accessed on-line September 20, 2007 at
2 Northeast Ohio Grape & Wine Survey. (20078). The Ohio State University, This survey can be accessed at