Guidelines For Applied Research and Extension Education Poster Session


General Instructions for Applications


    1. An electronic copy of the abstract must be submitted with the application by following the NACAA on-line submission process.
    2. Abstracts are reviewed and will not be accepted if they do not conform to the instructions contained herein, both in content and/or format.
    3. A final pdf of judged posters is due to your state chair by March 15th.

    Note – the abstract is no longer to be included on the physical poster displayed at the AM/PIC

Instructions for Submitting Abstracts


  • The abstract text shall be between 150 - 350 words.
  • Scientific names (i.e., botanical names) must be italicized.
  • Do not use all capital letters.
  • Extension Education abstracts must show program impact. Applied Research abstracts must include research data.
  • State the main objective and rationale for your research project or educational program.
  • Outline the methods you used to accomplish your objectives.
  • List your research project or educational program results or products.
  • Include raw conclusions about the implications of your research project or educational program.
  • No poster or abstract presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC is allowed.


General Poster Guidelines


  • Poster size must be no smaller than 36” x 36” and no larger than 44" x 44". Pushpins must be used to mount the poster and you must provide your own (estimate 10 – 12).
  • The abstract is no longer to be part of the displayed poster.  It is for your application and publication only.  Instead the poster should include one of the following:
  • It is for application and publication only.  Instead the poster should include one of the following:

Research Poster Hypothesis – Effectively describe/illustrate the reason or need behind the investigation and the expected outcomes.

Education Poster Need/Goal Statement - Effectively describe/illustrate the need or reason for the program and the desired impacts/goals.

  • Members can only be principal/senior author on one poster in each category.  There is no limit to the number of posters on which a member can be listed as a secondary/junior author.
  • Any member who does not follow these guidelines and submits more than one poster, on which he/she is the lead author in the same category, will have all posters disqualified.
  • The Professional Excellence Committee will have full authority to accept or reject a poster abstract upon evaluation of the title and submitted abstract. Rejection of poster abstract by the Professional Excellence Committee will be final.


Program Title, Author, Institution and Address



Poster title, author name, institution affiliation and email address must appearat the top of the poster. A simple sans serif typeface (i.e., Arial, Calibri) should be used. Lettering for the title should be at least 60 point font.






Do not prepare a poster as if it were a manuscript. Primarily use tables and figures with limited verbiage. Details of the work can be discussed during the "Meet the Author Sessions" with interested parties. Make sure the selected typeface is easy to read. No more than two different typefaces should be used on the poster. Lettering for text and illustrations should range in size between 24 and 48 point font.



Handout Materials



Material that supports the poster (i.e., workshop workbooks, handouts, etc.) may be placed below the poster on the floor.  An envelope pocket can be attached below the poster to allow people who are interested in learning more about your program to drop their business card into it.

 "Quality Matters When Preparing a Poster"

Adapted from Communicaid article by Evie Liss and Bernadine Strik, 1991

  1. How well is your message being conveyed (simplicity and clarity of the message)? Most people spend less than ten minutes at a poster. Each poster will be reviewed for one to three main points or themes the presenter wants people to retain. Each poster will be evaluated for a center of interest to identify and introduce the message.
  2. How easy is the poster to read at three feet? The judges will look for posters with text tables and figures in letter (type) sizes that are easy to read at three feet. Readability of lettering style is also important.
  3. Is the poster visually balanced and organized? Successful posters do not crowd the information. Details can be shared on a handout. Attractive posters have a logical order with figures, photos, and text throughout.
  4. Does the poster use colors and contrast to visually attract the readers? Contrasting colors are used to lead the viewer’s eye throughout the poster, and imaginative ways to add color might include photographs, illustrations, charts, or graphs.