Prevatt, C.1
1State Specialized Agent, UF/IFAS, Ona, FL, 33865


Many producers plant and graze warm-season annual forages to provide a high-quality forage during the late spring and summer. On-farm economic evaluations were conducted to determine whether producers were economically planting and grazing warm-season annual forages. Six producers planting and grazing warm-season annual forages were identified. Each operation was evaluated based on their level of forage production, forage utilization, and cost of forage production. Enterprise budgets were developed for each individual operation to determine their cost of forage production. Values for the estimated level of forage production and forage utilization were obtained from the producer. Five of the six producers evaluated planted and grazed warm-season annual forages economically. The net return to Florida’s farmers and ranchers was $56,568 and the economic impact this program had on the State of Florida was $104,624. Each of the producers completed an evaluation survey: 74% will make a change to their operation based on the information shared, 82% will continue to develop and use enterprise budgets for their system, and 26% will increase their number of planted acres next year. We received positive feedback from producers about their interaction with the agents and specialists that were involved with this program. The knowledge gained by those involved will enable them to be more prepared for future production years.

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