Proposed by: Joseph W Koenen

Presenter: Koenen, J. , Ag Business Mgmt. Specialist, University of Missouri Extension , Unionville, MO 63565

Increasing land values and purchases of farmland by urbanites for recreational purposes has caused increasing disagreements in Missouri over fence and boundary issues. There are issues of who should pay, where fences should be located, whether trees can be removed and who is responsible for maintaining the fence are just some questions that arise. Programming being delivered face-to-face was effective in providing clientele with knowledge of the complicated laws but was limited due to travel being impractical due to time and miles away.
It was determined that utilizing multiple teaching methods would expand program audiences. This would be done with utilizing available technology such as conference calls, 2-way Interactive Television or ITV, VCR tapes and compact discs (CD’s). Doing the program via ITV has become the most common method of teaching due to the face to face nature, allowing direct audience interaction with the presenter and the ability to ask questions. There have been around thirty locations throughout Missouri that have been reached through the ITV program. ITV is extremely flexible for multiple presentation styles and good audience participation.
Over 700 individuals have been reached during that timeframe with ITV alone. The VCR tapes and CD’s have been utilized primarily by individuals unable to attend the programs although 1 county commission has used it in order to educate landowners. The telephone conference call method was used in two instances where there was no ITV facility close to where the audience was located. Evaluations indicate over 90% of attendees think ITV is a very effective teaching method and felt they gained valuable knowledge on the law that would save them conflicts later on with neighbors.

All Accepted Proposals