Proposed by: Ken Rudisill

Presenter: Rudisill, K. , Ext Agt III ms Hort, Bay County, Panama City, FL 32401

Rudisill, * K.R. 1, Bates, S.E. 2, Psikogios, J.A. 3

1. Extension Faculty, Florida Cooperative Extension, Bay County, Panama City, Florida 32401
2. Master Gardner, Florida Cooperative Extension, Bay County, Panama City, Florida
3. Master Gardner, Florida Cooperative Extension, Bay County, Panama City, Florida

The Florida Department of Corrections subcontracts Correctional Corporation of America (CCA), a for profit company, to operate correctional facilities in Florida. The Bay County Correctional Facility, run by CCA, instituted a Landscape Maintenance Program for inmates. The 1000 hour program prepares inmates to enter the landscape maintenance profession. The program has one non degreed horticulture instructor. The instructor asked for assistance from the UF/IFAS Bay County Horticulture Extension Agent to provide assistance in teaching various horticulture subjects to satisfy the Florida Department of Education educational requirements. The inmates receive educational credit from the state for participating in the program. Classes taught by the agent and two Bay County Extension Master Gardeners are: botany and plant science; soils; turf selection, establishment, and maintenance; plant propagation; planting; pruning; pest management; commercial pest control; landscape design; Best Management Practices and ornamentals. The inmates are divided into groups. They create company names for their group. In the landscape phase of the class, the inmates design a landscape with irrigation and then install the landscape in an area on the facility grounds. Students that score 70% and above receive a certificate from the agent. Forty inmates have received training. Pre-test scores were 51% and post scores 72%. When released they are encouraged to contact the agent to report their progress. Two inmates have been released from the facility and are currently working toward attending the University of Florida to pursue degrees in Horticulture.

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