Proposed by: Roberta Dow

Presenter: Dow, R. , Dr., MSU Extension, Traverse City, MI 49684

The Michigan Groundwater Stewardship Program (MGSP) has marked its 15th year with completion of over 15,000 Farm*A*Systs, an environmental risk assessment of management practices, structures and site conditions at the farm headquarters. Michigan 'michiganized' Farm*A*Syst and also developed new assessment tools: Small Farm*A*Syst, Livestock*A*Syst and Crop*A*Syst (cropping assessment system which includes risk assessments for field crops, vegetables, fruit, greenhouse production, christmas trees and nursery crops) . These tools provide accurate information to the producer about his/her management practices at the farmstead or the production area and how they might be affecting water resources. When higher risk practices are being used, alternative lower risk practices are identified for the site. These tools also point out what is legally required and what the Generally Accepted Management Practices (GAAMPs) are to meet Michigan's Right-to-Farm Act which affords nuisance protection to producers who follow the GAAMPs. Three thousand producers voluntarily have reviewed their cropping pesticide, fertilizer, water use and conservation management practices. The Michigan Groundwater Stewardship Program helped close 8,000 abandoned wells which are direct potential contamination pipelines to the groundwater. The program has also made possible the removal and proper disposal of 1.6 million pounds of unwanted or unuseable pesticides from storage barns, basements, sheds and other risky locations. Farmers have participated in delivering over 700,000 pounds of rinsed pesticide containers to MGSP/ Michigan Association of Business Association's agri-chemical container recycling program thus minimizing the risk of pesticides from improperly rinsed and stored 'empty' containers from entering ground or surface water. Over 29,000 free water screenings for nitrate, nitrite and triazine pesticides have been conducted. Farmers have made over 19,600 risk reductions in just the last five years. Producers completing Farm*A*Syst are elgible for reduced liability insurance premiums.
After attending an educational session to learn about practices for reducing on-farm legal and environmental risks and lowering risks identified by Farm*A*Syst, Livestock*A*Syst and/or Crop*A*Syst, producers are ready to become Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurace Program (MAEAP) verified. Three hundred fifty nine farmers have received Farmstead verification, 255 Cropping System verification and 31 have obtained Livestock verification. This program demonstrates that farmers are using environmentally sound practices, helping to foster positive community and neighbor relations. MAEAP verified farms are recognized by signs as outstanding environmental stewardship sites.

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