NE SARE Mortality Compost Education -Train the Trainer

Proposed by: J.Craig Williams

Presenter: Williams, J. C., NE SARE Compost Education Train the Trainer, PA County Agent, Wellsboro, PA 16901

Williams*, J.C.1, Bonhotal, J. 2, Hutchinson, M3

1Extension Agent, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Tioga County, 118 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901
2Senior Extension Associate, Cornell Waste Management Institute
3Associate Extension Professor, University of Maine.

Train the Trainer education program on Mortality Composting. The NE SARE project is a collaborative effort with University of Penn State Cooperative Extension, Maine Cooperative Extension, and Cornell Waste Management Inst.
I will cover our results on this “Train the Trainer” program to generate a larger pool of qualified educators to cover this subject. This program will used face to face meeting and emerging computer technology to educate Extension and NRCS staff on sustainable livestock carcass management.
This collaborative effort trained 55 participants from over 8 states, on how to work with producers to develop and implement a carcass management system for integrated livestock operations. Three initial face to face trainings, Pennsylvania, New York, and New England, were conducted to train the trainer. Using hands on, field experiential learning, Participants received information in the following areas: methodology and bio security, economics, site development, compost feedstock’s, recipe development, C:N and moisture balance.
Three additional video teleconferencing meetings were used to address restricted travel budgets for trainers and participants. This set of video teleconferencing meetings permitted the 55 participants to interact with experts in other states.

Results of these programs was collected on Survey Monkey and this data will be discussed as an evaluation collection tool

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