Proposed by: T.David Filson

Presenter: Filson, T. , State Program Leader; An Sci, Rur Health And Safety, Emerg. Preparedness, Penn State, University Park, PA 16802

ReadyAG©: Disaster and Defense Preparedness for Production Agriculture workbook is an educational tool developed to assist farmers and ranchers become better prepared for ANY disaster.
BEFORE disaster strikes, ReadyAG© can help producers:
• IDENTIFY vulnerable areas of production and management
• PRIORITIZE areas to strengthen
• Create an ACTION PLAN specific for their operation
• Develop an accurate INVENTORY of their assets
• Identify and engage LOCAL CRITICAL SERVICES
• Find additional HELP
The ReadyAG© preparedness process directs farmers and ranchers to take a critical look at their agricultural operation, guiding them to determine areas that need improvement, thus helping them to become better prepared for any event that could disrupt their operation.
The ReadyAG© workbook is made up of a series of disaster preparedness and general planning questions that will lead farmers and ranchers through the majority of functions of their agricultural operation. By taking a critical look at each of the questions in various categories, producers can identify specific areas of an agricultural operation that can be changed to reduce the level of risk, and increase their ability to stay in business during and after a disaster. An Action Plan is automatically generated based on the producer's answers to the questions.
This presentation will illustrate and describe the ReadyAG© on-line workbook and how Extension educators can use this interactive teaching tool as part of a classroom presentation, consulting, or encourage producers to access and use the workbook on-line to improve their biosecurity, and continuity of operations plans.

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