Proposed by: Kevin Lawson

Presenter: Lawson, K. , Area Agronomist, University of Arkansas Extension, Little Rock, AR 72204

The 2011 Arkansas Corn Quick Fact Sheet was developed for County Extension Agents, producers, and crop consultants to have a one page, easy to read, quick reference guide for University of Arkansas corn growing recommendations and other corn facts. Information contained in the quick fact sheet includes answers to many often asked questions by agents and producers throughout the growing season about crop growth and development, plant populations, seed spacing, planting dates, fertility recommendations, herbicides, and irrigation. All of the information on the fact sheet is in black in white so it is easy to print and doesn’t cost the county extension offices a lot of money to reproduce. The Corn Quick Fact Sheet has been distributed to all 35 counties in Arkansas that grow corn and each county has on average sent 100 copies out to their clientele, totaling more than 3500 copies statewide. Many county agents have provided their clientele with laminated copies to carry with them in the field. The quick fact sheet is available at, http://www.aragriculture.org/crops/corn/quick_facts/default.htm and has had 1621 downloads in the first two months. Media articles about the quick fact sheet have been produced and have appeared in several regional publications. Feedback about the quick fact sheet has been very positive.

All Accepted Proposals