Electronic Ag News for Farmers, Agribusiness and Community Leaders

Proposed by: Rome Ethredge

Presenter: Ethredge, R. , County Extension Coordinator, UGA, Donalsonville, GA 39845

Ethredge,* W. J. Jr,

Seminole County Extension Agent, The University of Georgia, Donalsonville, GA 39845

Seminole County Extension responds to need for farmers, agribusiness and general public to have timely tips and educational information. New era of electronic communication brings need for timely agricultural information through email and the internet. Agricultural awareness for community leaders and the general public is important as decisions are made by these folks who need to be more informed and up to date about what is going on in agriculture. New generation of farmers want information electronically available.
The agent developed “Seminole Crop E News” electronic newsletter to disseminate breaking news concerning agriculture. He developed an email list of farmers, agribusiness folks, and local community leaders and is continually expanding it. This newsletter contains many photos of crops, insects, disease problems and farm activities. It includes hot topics of concern to growers and excerpts from scientist’s newsletters and links to websites and downloads of timely interest.
“Seminole Crop E News” has been well received by farmers and others on the over 260 person email list that receives the newsletters, many pass it on, an estimate of views is 800 per issue.. Newsletters are placed on our UGA Seminole County Extension website (http://www.ugaextension.com/seminole/ ) and can also be accessed on other websites such as sowegalive.com, Agfax.com , and WTVY.com.

All Accepted Proposals