Utilizing Industry Partners in Public Relations Efforts

Proposed by: Brad J.Burbaugh

Presenter: Burbaugh, B. J., Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent, University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL 32254

With the right public relations effort the Extension Service in collaboration with industry partners can bridge the gap to better public awareness and understanding of the agricultural industry. In Duval County, Florida a group of industry partners and the Extension Service partnered to develop a multi-faceted public relations effort to make county residents and decision makers more aware of the scope and importance of agriculture and natural resources industries. This presentation will provide helpful hints on how to engage industry partners and present a successful model utilized in Jacksonville, Florida. Secondly, a summary of focus group data will be provided to help agriculture communicators tailor their messages in a more effective manner. Lastly, templates for print ready material and talking points using USDA data will be supplied. Implementing strategic public relations efforts with industry partners can serve the agricultural community and public interest well. Elevating the profile of agriculture in your community can have a positive effect on future decisions.

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