Bioenergy Crop Yields in Michigan

Proposed by: M.Charles Gould

Presenter: Gould, Charles, Extension Educator, MSU Extension, West Olive, MI 49460

Switchgrass, miscanthus, corn, Indiangrass, Big Bluestem, Prairie Cordgrass, Reed Canarygrass, sweet sorghum, energy sorghum (photoperiod sensitive and non-photoperiod sensitive varieties), canola, camelina, Oriental mustard, sunflower, soybean and pennycress were planted in research plots scattered across the Upper and Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Yield data was taken from all crops. Yield data varied due to deer damage, moisture, disease, weed pressure (especially quackgrass in sorghum) and herbicide damage. There was quite a bit of lodging of sweet sorghum and Big Bluestem varieties.

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