State Officials and MACAA work to Benefit Extension Budgets

Proposed by: Dr.Bill Burdine

Presenter: Burdine, B. , Area Agronomy Agent, Mississippi State University, Houston, MS 38851

During weak economic times, positive relationships with elected officials are crucial to maintaining Extension budgets. The Mississippi Association of County Agents Association (MACAA) ivites House and Senate Ag Committee members to speak during our state's Improvement Conference. Legislators receive a captive audience from the Town Hall format and Extension is recognized as experts on agricultural issues. MACAA has provided this forum since 2006 and officials welcome the opportunity to address the group. Legislators see the scope and depth of inservice trainings and realize the benefits tax-payers receive for their support. The Town Hall is designed so Legislators feel they are doing us a favor but the real benefit is the support Extension receives through state appropriations.

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