JCEP Creative Excellence Award

Often, the most creative and innovative ideas - the ones that advance the science and art of Cooperative Extension - come not from committees, but rather from individuals or small teams who see something at first that the rest of us don't. Through their insight, passion and persistence, their "wild" ideas gain acceptance, enabling all of us to excel. This award recognizes those individuals or small teams and their unique contributions - whether they are early in their Extension careers, mid-career, or late career.

For the purposes of this award, innovation is an approach to emerging issues or addressing existing issues in exceptionally creative or novel ways that get results, and that others want to emulate.

Candidates must be a member of NACAA in good standing.

NACAA Council Chairs along with the NACAA Vice President will review all applicants and present to the board of directors - one individual or small team (2-5 members) for recognition as the overall recipeint of the JCEP Creative Excellence Award. Each individual nominee or team will receive recognition and a $250 stipend (1 award) to be presented at the NACAA AM/PIC.

All of the honorees’ innovative and creative achievements will be highlighted on the JCEP website and in JCEP communications.
Judging will be based on the following criteria:

1) Do the nominee’s efforts address emerging issues or current issues in unique ways?

2) Are the innovative efforts new, that is, not widely conducted previously in the state or region?

3) Does the nominee exhibit a pattern of innovative and creative efforts extending beyond a single program or product?

4) Are the innovative and creative efforts highlighted in the nomination leading to change in individuals and communities?

5) Are other Extension or outreach professionals adopting the innovative and creative approaches developed by the nominee?

Online application is due by March 15.

To apply - select the JCEP Creative Excellence Award on the drop down box along with other award options..