NACAA Awards and Recognition Frequently Asked Questions

What's my login and password?
You use the same login and password for everything on the NACAA Web Site. If you don't know your login and password, click on the red text "Don't know your login or password? Click here to have it emailed to you." on the page that asks for you to login. You will be prompted for your email address. This must be the same email address that is in the database for you. If you don't know what it is or don't have your email address in the database, contact the person in your state who maintains the database (probably the secretary or treasurer) or the Electronic Communications Coordinator

Can I start an application and finish it later?
YES! Your application is not submitted until you indicate that it is completed. When you indicate that your application is completed, then the state chair can approve it and then the regional vice-chair and then the national committee chair.

How do I send my applcation to my state chair?
With the on-line application system you do not need to send your application on. Once you have indicated that it is complete, your state chair will see it in their list of applications to judge.

How do I as a state chair approve or judge applications?
Once March 15th is past, but before April 1st, you would go to the Awards and Recognition Page and click on the "My Award Applications, Nominations & Chair Approvals" link to make your State Selections. You will see a Heading there now that says "State Committee Chair Actions - "your" Committee. Once your selections/approvals are made, the Regional Vice Chair for your Committee will be able to select regional winners.

Could you explain this "Select Member" page?
The first page you get when starting an award application is the "Select Member" page. This is where you indicate the member being nominated for the award. In most cases, this will be yourself. It asks for Last Name, First Name and Email, State Associaion and Status. You don't need to complete all of these fields. You can just enter the nominee's Last Name or just the first few characters of their last name. If more than one member meet the criteria, then you will get a list of all the members whose last name begins with that string of text. The more of these fields you complete, the shorter the list will be. If only one person meets that criteria, then it takes you to the application form for that individual. If you enter somthing for all these fields it will look for a member who meets all those requirements.

My file attachment is too big
If your file attachment is too large, try compressing the images. Another method is to create a PDF of the document. PrimoPDF is a free application that allows you to create PDFs of anything you can print from your Windows PC. Another tool is the online site ZamZar that converts all types of file formats.

If you are trying to resize a JPEG image, change the 'resolutioon' to smaller numbers. For viewing full screen on a computer, 1024 pixels wide should be more than enough.

Can I enter superscripts in the abstracts
No. You'll need to spell it out. :( Maybe some day in the future, we'll add an editor to it so applicants can format their abstracts.



Who is eligible to apply for NACAA Awards?


Active Members in good standing are eligible to apply for NACAA Awards and Recognition programs.  The exception to this eligibility is members that are currently serving on the NACAA Board including Regional Directors, Officers, and the NACAA Policy Chair.  NACAA Board members are able to participate in the AA and DSA awards programs, Hall of Fame, and are able to present at the AM/PIC in categories that do not include a monetary award.


Regional Vice Chairs, National Chairs, and Council Chairs may participate in National Awards programs other than those their committee is administering. For rules regarding State Committee Chair eligibility please refer to the NACAA Policy Handbook and Committee Handbook.