Achievement Award Requirements:

Eligibility Requirements for NACAA Achievement Awards

Purpose: The purpose of the Achievement Award Program is to encourage and recognize excellence in the field of professional Extension for members with less than ten years of service.

Selection: Each year, each State Recognition and Awards Committee may submit the names of up to 2% or fraction thereof of the state's membership based on each state's membership as of February 15 of the previous year, with a minimum of one agent per state.

The Achievement Award shall be awarded to Agents with less than 10 years of service in Cooperative Extension Service who have exhibited excellence in the field of professional Extension. Nominees must be members of the State and National Association the year that they receive the award. A quota shall be up to 2% or fraction thereof of the state's membership based on each state's membership as of February 15 of the previous year with a minimum of one agent per state. No unfilled quotas can be carried over and applied to future quotas. Recipient must attend Annual Meeting to receive award, unless exempted by Committee Chair because of extenuating circumstances. (Established by Board action, August, 1993) (Revised 2011)


Members AAs
1-75 1
76-125 2
126-175 3
176-225 4



Recognition: A Certificate of Achievement will be presented by NACAA to each state winner during the Regional Meetings and the Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference of NACAA. All names will also be listed in the DSA Brochure.

Note: NACAA urges State Associations to recognize their state winners at the State Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference and encourage winner (financially, if possible) to attend the National Meeting. Please forward winner's nomination sheet to the National Chair Recognition and Awards Committee along with DSA nominees.

(Revised 10/1994)