
Chase T. Brooke
County Extension Agent- Agriculture & Natural Resources
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Brooke, C.T.*1, , Treadwell, M2,
1 County Extension Agent- Agriculture & Natural Resources, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Mckinney, TX, 75069
2 Assistant Professor and Range Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, San Angelo, TX, 76901

This peer-reviewed extension publication was written to aid Texas landowers and managers with identifying and managing invasive native juniper species (Juniperus spp.) on their land, primarily through the use of prescribed burning. In the first part, the publication compares resprouting versus non-resprouting junipers, and provides a short overview of safe burning practices. In the second portion of the publication, we identify the 5 most common juniper species in Texas, provide a short bonanical description of each species, and how they respond to fire. 

This publication was written to be used by landowners and fire managers with little to moderate experience with prescribed fire or juniper identification, and for distribution in extension programs. Our paper was used in several workshops and meetings, and at least 53 paper copies have been distributed, and more online. 

I was invovled as the primary author and thereby responsible for researching, drafting, revising, and managing the publication process for the paper.