Event Promotional Package

Donna Coffin
UMaine Extension

Coffin, D.1, , Smart, A.2, , Jemison, J.3,
1 EXTENSION EDUCATOR, UMaine Extension, Dover-Foxcroft, ME, 04426
2 Extension Plant Pathologist, UMaine Extension, Orono, ME, 04473
3 Extension Soil and Water Quality Specialist, UMaine Extension, Orono, ME, 04473

Hemp can be grown to produce grain, fiber, and medicinal products. Interest in growing hemp in Maine has increased significantly since the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp. UMaine Extension planned a one day program to address production, research, licensing, processing, marketing and financial feasibility for farmers currently growing hemp and for others interested in starting to grow hemp. 67 farmers, agriculture service providers and potential farmers attended the program.  In a post program evaluation 44% indicated they plan to add hemp or value-added hemp products to their farm and 22% need more information before they decide to start farming.


The author organized and served on the planning and implementation committee, invited a majority of the speakers, wrote the content for the flyer, news release, and Facebook event. She promoted the Facebook event and shared with a number of Facebook homesteading and hemp growing groups. She developed the pre-survey  and post-program evaluation to collect impact information. 

150 flyers were printed and distributed at a Maine Hemp Licensing program and the Maine Agricultural Trades Show. The news release was emailed to ten state-wide, regional and local newspapers as well as four e-newsletters with over 2,300 recipients . The Facebook event was viewed by 1,500 people (42% men, 58% women) and promoted as an ad that was viewed by 2,133 people (72% men, 28% women) with 151 engagements.