Published Photo

Allison Howell
CEA - Agriculture
UofA Division of Agriculture Research & Extension

The photos submitted were published, along with an article, in two Clay County newspapers: the Clay County Times Democrat in Piggott and the Clay County Courier in Corning. The primary audience was the general public. There are many people throughout Clay County that think 4-H is just about showing livestock. In 2019, I put together a 4-H Survival Day Camp for those in 4-H or wanting to participate. The purpose of the Survival Day was to teach youth what to do to take care of themselves if they get stuck out in the wilderness alone. The year before last, two young girls in California got lost out in the woods alone and managed to stay alive due to the wilderness skills they learned at a 4-H meeting. That lead me to putting on this day camp to allow youth to come learn from a trained professional on how to stay warm, stay dry, build a shelter, filter water, and catch food. A local survival instructor came out to teach the kids some of the most important things they would need if they ever get lost alone. The two newspapers distributed nearly 8,000 electronic and hard copies that included information about the Survival Day. Several calls and texts were received with comments saying how much kids learned and enjoyed the day camp. Almost everyone in attendance stated that they would definitely be interested in another Survival Day in the future. The 25 kids in attendance absolutely loved it, as well as the adults. We all learned a lot and hope to put on another Survival Day this year as well. We hoped the public would see that there is a lot more to 4-H than just showing cattle. I hope the kids never have to use anything they learned, but if they do, I hope they will be able to remember it to help them in a bad situation.