Computer Generated Presentation with Script

Paul G Carter
Extension Regional Specialist
Columbia County

Carter, P.G.*1,
1 Extension Regional Specialist, WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY, Dayton, WA, 99328

The Inland Pacific Northwest region includes vast dryland areas of rich deep soils capable of producing excellent quality and quantities of wheat and rotational crops. The cropping systems are young compared to other regions of the country and soils have only recently (last 40 years) discovered alarming declines in soil pH. This decline has begun to cause agronomic farming difficulties including increased plant diseases, herbicide carryover, crop stand establishment, and other complicating issues. The presentation focuses on relationships between soil acidity, nutrient availability, and liming effects on essential soil nutrient interactions, crop deficiency symptoms, agronomic effects, and work with on-farm soil sampling and liming trials. The extent of soil acidification issues were identified from earlier soil surveys, regional soil sampling results, and work with over 40 on-farm research trials will be presented. Paul will introduce practices for soil pH measurement in the field and talk about current projects. The presentation was developed for the Extension education of farmers and industry agronomist.