Computer Generated Presentation with Script

Kimberly Kester Post
County Extension Agent
University of Georgia

Post, K.K.*1,
1 County Extension Agent, University of Georgia, Lakeland, GA, 31635

The aim of the Beginner Beekeeping Series (BBS) was to develop proficient beekeepers that will raise productive honey bees for pollination and honey production, whether they remain small-scale or advance to sideliner or commercial scale.
The BBS was designed as an in-person series for adults about various topics within beekeeping. The 2019 pilot year included six free classes that were held on one Saturday morning in January, February, April, June, July, and September. Topics included woodenware and hands-on hive construction, honey bee biology, pests and diseases, nectar and pollen sources, and hands-on honey extraction. Participants who signed up in advance had the opportunity to purchase a hive starter kit and live honey bees through the agent for pickup at the Extension office during the Series. Concepts were taught in sync with the progression of a hive throughout the year, which allowed students to learn the information in roughly the same season they would need to apply it to their at-home beekeeping. 

A pre- and post-series survey was delivered to gather information about participants’ knowledge of beekeeping topics. In the initial survey, 73.8% of participants indicated they were not at all knowledgeable about any of the beekeeping topics. Approximately 15.5% responded as slightly knowledgeable, 10.7% moderately knowledgeable, and 0% extremely knowledgeable. Upon completion of the Series, 0% indicated they were not at all knowledgeable, 18.4% slightly knowledgeable, 67.3% moderately knowledgeable, and 14.3% extremely knowledgeable. Attendance averaged 11 individuals, but fluctuated throughout the Series; not all original participants were able to attend all six classes. 

The entry is an excerpt from the bee biology class, which was presented in-person as a PowerPoint. Participants were provided with slide packets and encouraged to ask questions throughout the class. The lesson lasted approximately two hours during the 2019 BBS. This presentation was also delivered during the 2020 BBS and added a microscope station with bee anatomy slides for the 10 students to view. 

The Beginner Beekeeping Series was prepared and executed solely by the agent. It was developed using firsthand beekeeping knowledge as well as information from the University of Georgia and other universities.