Event Promotional Package

Kapil Arora
Field Agricultural Engineer
Iowa State University Extension

Arora, K.*1,
1 Field Agricultural Engineer, Iowa State University Extension, Winterset, IA, 50273

 Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Conservation Service require livestock producers in the state of Iowa to submit manure management plans. These plans are quite complex as they require a field by field suitability analysis to determine which fields can receive a sustainable manure application. These plans require soil loss determination using RUSLE2 Software and Phosphorus loss risk assessments using Iowa P-Index Calculator. A workshop was held on July 25, 2019 to help train livestock producers and technical service providers on how to use RUSLE2 and Iowa P-Index Calculation Softwares. To promote this program, the author designed, printed, and mailed the workshop brochure to 350 service providers in Iowa. The brochure was electronically emailed to about 1,600 members of the monthly IMMAG Newsletter. Author also wrote a news release to promote the workshop. The news release was printed in IMMAG Newsletter and Wallaces Farmer. As a result of the promotion, the class was completely full. All participants completing the workshop were issued a completion certification. All participants ranked the workshop as very or highly informative. Workshop participant also instructors to be highly knowledgeable. The workshop brochure by being mailed and shared electronically allowed the program to be well known. Participants attending the workshop indicated that they learned a lot and felf confident in completing manure management plans independently.