Published Photo

Alicia Halbritter
Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent
UF/IFAS Baker County Extension

This photo was taken on June 3rd, 2019 and utilized in print twice, as part of a fact sheet for the 2019 Corn Field Day, and a research update infographic for industry partners. The objective of this photo was to help depict issues related to insect management in field corn production. The photo was used in a fact sheet given to producers at the Corn Field Day to discuss findings from the associated research project in which stink bug populations and related damage were monitored in a plant population density study. The photo was taken in the research field by the agent during data collection. Attendees (n=64) of the Corn Field Day who received the Stink Bug fact sheet were given a presentation about the biology of stink bugs, the life cycle, and how adult mating leads to high nymph populations which leads to increased crop damage. The agent is solely responsible for the photograph, the development of the fact sheet, and the infographic. 95% of survey respondents from the 2019 Corn Field Day said the handouts (Stink Bug fact sheet) will be useful for future reference and that they intended to apply the information learned to improve their corn production program.