Fact Sheet

Jason de Koff
Tennessee State University
Central Region

de Koff, J.*1,
1 Specialist, Tennessee State University, Old Hickory, TN, 37138

The objective of this fact sheet was to provide relevant information for measuring infiltration rate in the field and is based on the USDA-NRCS soil health testing recommendations.  The fact sheet identifies the materials required and the steps involved.  It contains numerous images and there is a link provided in the fact sheet to a YouTube video, also produced by the author, to help enhance ease of use.  The fact sheet was reviewed by two Tennessee agricultural Extension agents, two soil health specialists, and one Extension specialist in soils at the University of Kentucky.  It was published in February 2020 and uploaded to the Tennessee State University website (http://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/InfiltrationRate.pdf).  The audience includes Extension agents and farmers.  This fact sheet also related to soil health test kits that had been previously distributed by the author to 24 counties throughout Tennessee and included the materials needed for measuring infiltration rates.  At the end of the fact sheet, additional resources were referenced to allow readers to identify further information.  Contact information (phone, email, social media) was also included to allow readers to follow up with additional questions. A link to the fact sheet was sent to all agriculture Extension agents and specialists in Tennessee in February 2020 and it was promoted on Twitter in March 2020 where over 200 people viewed the tweet.