Computer Generated Presentation with Script

S. Leanne Dillard
Forages Extension Specalist
Alabama Coopertaive Extension System

Dillard, S.L.*1, , Mullenix, M.K.2,
1 Forages Extension Specalist, Alabama Coopertaive Extension System, Auburn University, AL, 36849
2 Extension Specialist, Alabama Cooperative Extension, Auburn, AL, 36849

Bahiagrass is one of the major, perennial forage grasses grown in Alabama and the Southeast. It is grown on 1.1 million of the over 4 million acres of forage in Alabama. Bahiagrass is unique in that it can be harvested for hay, grazed, and harvested for seed all in the same growing season. Furthermore, bahiagrass is known for its ability to produce high forage yields with little soil fertility inputs, unlike other warm-season perennial grasses (e.g. bermudagrass). Due to its importance in Alabama, relaying proper management practices to producers is important for the forage and livestock industry in the state. In April 2019, the authors held a webinar on Bahiagrass Management. The webinar was part of the monthly Animal Science and Forage Webinar Series hosted by the Alabama Animal Science and Forage Extension Team. The webinar included bahiagrass characteristics, variety selection, establishment, forage yield and quality, grazing management, hay management, seed production, as well as integrated pest management. The topics were presented using both lay terminology, but also included technical material where needed. This included data collected from research trials from across the Southeast. The webinar was attended by 15 individuals when it was delivered live; attendees were a mixture of producers and Extension agents and both in-state, as well as out-of-state.  The webinar was recorded and made available on the Alabama Cooperative Extension YouTube page ( To date the recording has been viewed 567 times.