Audio Recording

Sandra Wick
District Extension Agent, Crop Production
K-State Research & Extension
Post Rock Extension District #1

Wick, S.*1,
1 District Extension Agent, Crop Production, K-State Research & Extension, Smith Center, KS, 66967

Producers are continually faced with the challenges of “Mother Nature” on their wheat crop, so to address the important topic, I developed a radio program for producers. The objective of this particular radio program was to inform producers on the damage potential to their wheat crop due to cold temperatures.  The purpose was to educate producers on specific factors and symptoms that might appear to the wheat due to the cold temperatures along with any management guidelines to follow for their wheat.  The Post Rock Extension District is an agricultural based, five-county area with a population of approximately 20,250 citizens.  The producers were provided wheat production information with two different radio stations, KDNS, Glen Elder, KS and KVSV, Beloit, KS.   The programs were aired on Friday, November 8, 2019, at 6:40 a.m. and on Monday, November 11, 2019 at 12:05 p.m.   After the program was aired, more specific questions arose on the potential damage to the wheat crop and producers thanked us for providing the information. The radio program was prepared and recorded in the Post Rock Extension District – Smith Center Office, on a computer using Logitech headphones/microphone and the software, Audacity”.