Website/Online Content

Cassie Homan
District Agent
K-State Research and Extension
Post Rock District

Homan, C.*1,
1 District Agent, K-State Research and Extension, Beloit, KS, 67420

The purpose of this blog post was to increase lawn care information for homeowners in North Central Kansas. Crabgrass is a common problem in landscapes and lawns in our area. This article was to increase awareness about the proper herbicide treatments for the weed. It was published on the Post Rock District Blog Spot on March 19, 2019. I explained how crabgrass preventers work and how to apply them at the correct time. At the end of the post I talked about specific chemicals and their trade names, this is how customers find the herbicides when shopping. We receive numerous calls about lawn care and what to spray. I also have many clients bringing in weeds for identification. This article is a reference for me to send clients to in spring when starting their lawn care programs each year.  

This blog was featured on our Post Rock Extension Facebook page as well as our Instagram page. Our Blog Spot has a total page view of 103,743. The blog is also emailed to subscribers when a new blog is posted.