Feature Story

Emily Krekelberg
Extension Educator
University of Minnesota Extension

Wilmes, E.*1,
1 Extension Educator, UMN Extension-Stearns County, St Cloud, MN, 56301

The attached Feature Story was released on December 31, 2019 and published in the Dairy Star on January 11, 2020.  This story was sent to several local and agricultural publications as part of a weekly news release I write.  Excerpts from the original release were also featured in other publications.  The Dairy Star is a newspaper published in Minnesota that is sent to every dairy farmer (and many agribusinesses) in Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, and North Dakota.

With my weekly news releases, my main objectives are to provide timely, relevant information that is applicable to Minnesota farmers and to bring awareness to Extension and University resources.  Milk quality and mastitis management are topics I am very passionate and knowledgeable about.  Milk quality is extremely important to dairy farms and I make a point to cover the topic several times a year.  I wanted to shift the focus from the cows in the barn to what happens in the parlor.  Parlor management plays a critical role not only in ensuring milk quality, but in keeping the entire farm system efficient. My goal was to provide information in order to equip farmers with another tool for their milk quality toolbox.

I complete my articles at least one week before I plan to release them.  They are proofread and edited by Administrative Staff in my office prior to release.