Newsletter, Team

Andrea Davis
Extension Agent
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Beach

Davis, A.*1, , Flanagan, R.D.*2,
1 Extension Agent, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Beach, VA, 23456
2 Extension Agent, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Beach, VA, 23456

The purpose of this newsletter is to increase awareness of agriculture and agricultural opportunities in Virginia Beach. Through the newsletter, readers can learn more about the state of agriculture in Virginia Beach from the local Department of Agriculture as well as information on programming and resources available through Virginia Cooperative Extension to aid agricultural endeavors. Each extension agent prepares and submits for inclusion timely information and photos to advertise upcoming programs and other available resources for industry and consumer clients. The Agriculture and Natural Resources and Horticulture sections are those specifically created by the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agents, being myself and Roy Flanagan. I focus on information related to urban/suburban agriculture including lawn and landscape programming for professionals and homeowners. Roy’s focus is on the commercial crop producers. This newsletter is distributed via email, online availability, and hard copy distribution from our office and at the Virginia Beach Farmers Market and reaches agricultural producers, green industry employees, city officials, and homeowners throughout the city. In the electronic format, links to registrations and resources are live and available for ease. The newsletter is published quarterly through the City of Virginia Beach Department of Agriculture and reaches approximately 7500 people via email and hard copy distribution.