Educational Video Recordings

Joanna Coles
County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources
UK Cooperative Extension Service

Coles, J.*1, , Hildabrand, Kristin*2,
1 County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, UK Cooperative Extension Service, Bowling Green, KY, 42101
2 County Extension Agent for Horticulture, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, Bowling Green, KY, 42101

The Kentucky Farms, Kentucky Flavor project goals are to enrich the connection of the producer and consumer in the area of specialty crops.  The objectives are 1) to educate farmers about consumer trends to help increase their profitability 2) to educate consumers of the health benefits and availability of specialty crops in South Central Kentucky and provide recipes for how to utilize specialty crops. This video is highlighting peaches from Dunn and Bowen Orchard. As a result, the orchard increased new customers and sales by 25% and increased the following on their social media sites.  The segment was posted on YouTube in two segments, the Kentucky Farms, Kentucky Flavor (KYF2) Facebook page, the Warren County Agriculture’s YouTube Channel, and aired on the local ABC affiliate and cable channel.  Facebook reach was 11,717 with 1826 people engaging with the video. The YouTube video had over 825 views on the long format and 2-part format.  The videos reached 20,000 people each day it aired on the ABC affiliate and 5000 on the local cable network.  The full format one-part video was also played on a digital ad format on our local TV station’s website with a reach of 556,327 and 3321 clicks on the headline. The Warren County Agriculture Agent and Horticulture Agent is the co-host and co-producer of the video presentation.  Miles Media Solutions shot the footage, edited and produced the segment.  The video can be found in full format at