Educational Video Recordings

Kerry P. Smith
Outreach Programs Admin

Smith, Kerry P.1, , Glover, Tony A.2, , O’Rear, Bethany A.3, , Pacumbaba, Rudy4,
1 Outreach Programs Administrator, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Auburn University, AL, 36849
2 County Extension Coordinator, Cullman County, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Cullman, AL, 35055
3 Regional Extension Agent, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Birmingham, AL, 35223
4 Extension Specialist, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Normal, AL, 35762

This video is one in a series promoting research in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture. This specific episode promotes a project, Harvest for Health, led by Alabama Extension’s Home Grounds Team. The project was selected for promotion by the College’s Director of Communications and Marketing, filmed by Alabama Public TV (APTV) in summer 2019, and first aired on August 8, 2019. APTV programming is received in 1.9 million households, and their average weekly viewership is 14.9%. The general, TV viewing public is the audience.
This video highlights a project engaging Master Gardener (MG) volunteers, shows project value to the state and to scientific research, and illustrates our multifaceted partnership between the University of Alabama Birmingham, Auburn University, Alabama Cooperative Extension, and Extension Volunteers. Publicly promoting our project also reinforced our appreciation for the volunteers' contributions and helped recruit new participants through 2021. The NACAA members interviewed, represented and explained Extension’s different roles within the project.
Other studies have shown that a diet high in fruits and vegetables benefits cancer survivors, but this is the first medical study linking gardening to their health. UAB recruits the study’s cancer survivors, AU Horticulture provides teaching tools, and Extension Agents train and support the MG volunteers serving as mentors.
This Harvest for Health research is funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Women’s Breast Health Fund (Birmingham, AL), and donations from Safer Brand, Scott’s Miracle Gro, and numerous private donors.
NACAA members from Alabama: Kerry Smith, Tony Glover, Bethany O’Rear, Rudy Pacumbaba – all representing Alabama Cooperative Extension’s, Home Grounds Team
Time segment for judging: start, 00:00, to 11:13
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