Educational Video Recordings

Adele Harty
SDSU Extension

Harty, A.*1,
1 COW-CALF FIELD SPECIALIST, SDSU Extension, Rapid City, SD, 57703

Prussic acid poisoning of cattle is a concern with sudan, sorghum and sorghum/sudangrass hybrids, especially when cattle are grazing regrowth in fields in the fall.  I received multiple calls about the risk of poisoning and what producers should do with an impending winter storm in October, so I recorded a short video to share what they should consider and how to evaluate the risks.  This video was placed on the Cattlemen's Conversations Facebook page, which is a collaboration between University of Florida IFAS Extension and SDSU Extension to provide timely and relevant information to beef cattle producers across the country.  This video reached 37,214 people and had 4,520 engagements.  The video can be found on the Cattlemen's Conversations Facebook Page, dated October 9, 2019, and must be found by a Facebook account holder.  Due to the nature of Facebook, I cannot put a direct link to the video.