Published Photo

Margaret Quaassdorff
Dairy Management Specialist
CCE NWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team

The purpose of this educational photo was to increase awareness of the value-added dairy x beef calf and strategies for dairy farmers to use beef bulls to manage their heifer inventories and on-farm costs.  This photo was captured using an IPhone 7.  The photo was uploaded and shared to the Cornell Cooperative Extension NWNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team’s Facebook page on September 12, 2019.  The caption reads, “Dairies across the country strategically breed to quality beef bulls to manage heifer inventories and increase the value of marketed calves.  In NY, these crosses are still bringing a $100 premium over Holstein bull calves.  Read more from Mike Baker in his recent blog post”. The caption included a link to a blog with up to date information on the NY dairy x beef industry. This particular photo and Facebook post of healthy, group-raised Holstein x SimmAngus calves reached 734 Facebook subscribers and had 46 engagements.  As a result of this photo and post, I as the dairy management specialist, helped livestock specialists put on additional seminars for both dairy and beef farmers to discuss the value and challenges of dairy x beef calf for dairies and beef producers.  Additionally, this photo and post inspired a collaboration with colleagues to submit a substantial grant proposal to study the viability of the dairy x beef calf industry in New York State that will benefit farmers in both industries.