Fact Sheet

Erin Kinley
Area Master Gardener Coordinator
Penn State Extension
Area D

Kinley, E.*1,
1 Area Master Gardener Coordinator, Penn State Extension, Collegeville, PA, 19426

With urban populations becoming more interested in gardening, the low rate of homeownership among Millenials, and Baby Boomers downsizing to smaller homes or apartments, Extension has seen an increased demand for information related to small space and above-ground gardening. This fact sheet, "Four Keys to Successful Container Vegetable Gardening" was designed for both beginning and intermediate gardeners, particularly those new to gardening in small spaces and containers. Over 400 copies were distributed in a ten-day period at the 2020 Pennsylvania Farm Show in January as part of a hands-on display at the Penn State Extension Master Gardener booth, which featured new and trending topics in consumer horticulture. There are also plans to make the handout available to Master Gardener programs across the state to use for speaking engagements and information booths.