Computer Generated Presentation with Script

Adriane Good
Agricultural Extension Agent


Good, A.*1,
1 Agricultural Extension Agent, , Conrad, MT, 59425

“What’s in Your Bale” was developed to educate livestock producers on the importance of testing forage and the proper methods to do so. This presentation was part of a winter feeding workshop I had planned for livestock producers in my area. 2019 was not a good year for hay production in north central Montana, with several hay samples showing poor nutrient quality and mold presence. Higher than normal precipitation led to hay being harvested later than planned, which decreased the quality.  An early fall snowstorm delayed baling of cut hay and resulted in wet, moldy bales. In response to this, I planned the winter feeding workshop to help livestock producers with feeding lower quality hay. The workshop included presentations by myself, with “What’s in Your Bale?”, and Dr’s Megan Van Emon and Carla Sanford, MSU Extension Beef specialists, with presentations on supplementing energy, protein, and minerals. My presentation focused on the visual analysis of hay, the importance of feed testing, how to take a good forage sample, and understanding the nutrient analysis. The presentation also had a hands-on component. I brought a small square bale in and used it to demonstrate visual hay analysis and asked an audience member to volunteer to sample the bale with a hay probe. As a result of this presentation, livestock producers planned to begin sampling their hay to develop better rations and sample hay with proper techniques.