Personal Column

Thomas Butzler
Horticulture Educator
Penn State Cooperative Extension

I have a biweekly column, under the standing line Keeping It Green, in Lock Haven’s The Express. This allows me to write about horticulture related topics throughout the year. At times, I try to pick topics which most readers might find interesting or observe in their landscapes or within their communities. In addition, I try to insert some facts about the subject and use it as a teachable moment. The two submitted columns were a part of a series detailing plant life on Maine’s Mt. Desert Island and Acadia National Park. The overall series was an effort to highlight plants in their natural environment and their uses in our modern-day landscapes. The July 20, 2019 column covered black chokeberry while the July 27, 2019 article looked at several conifer species. I always submit photographs with the written column to add a visual component and to attract the reader to the article. Photo captions are included at the bottom of column article. A Nikon D3100 was used for submitted pictures. My information is submitted via The Express’s virtual newsroom; therefore, it never prepared with letterhead. The Express has a daily circulation over 10,000. Small town and rural central Pennsylvania afford me the opportunity to interact with readers on a regular basis and I receive many positive comments on the column.