Published Photo

Terasa M Lott
State Coordinator SC Master Gardener Program
Clemson University Extension Service

Photographs serve several purposes in a newspaper article. They grab a reader's attention which may lead to an increase in the number of people reading the article. They also convey information. This photograph was one of five inlcuded in a newspaper article titled "Reduce lawn area, increase pollinator habitat" in the Post and Courier. The photo is number 3 of 6 with the sixth being a photo of the author. The newspaper requires a subscription so in addtion to the link, a screenshot of the photo is included as well as the original image.

The objective of the story was to encourage homeowners to reduce the amount of turfgrass in the home landscape which has relatively low ecological value, with plants that provide pollinator habitat. The story described the reasons to reduce lawn area and detailed a project at the Extension Associate’s residence which reduced lawn area by approximately 625 square feet through two beds with transplants and one bed with a drought tolerant wildflower seed mix. This photograph was taken in one of the beds with transplants. The caption highlighted the wildlife benefits of the plant by stating "The red tubular flowers of Coral Honeysuckle are attractive to hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. This native vine is also the host plant for the Spring Azure and Snowberry Clearwing Moth."