Audio Recording

Terasa M Lott
State Coordinator SC Master Gardener Program
Clemson University Extension Service

Lott, T.M.*1,
1 State Coordinator SC Master Gardener Program, Clemson University Extension Service, Florence, SC, 29505

Making It Grow  is a weekly television program that provides research-based gardening information in a format that is fun and easy to understand.  The program is produced by South Carolina ETV in partnership with Clemson University's Extension Service. Making It Grow Extra is a podcast in which the host of the show discusses various gardening related topics with experts in the field.This podcast, titled Turning Your Yard Into A Habitat, was recorded on June 25, 2019 at the ETV studio in Sumter, SC. On July 17, it was posted to the South Carolina Public Radio website and a link shared on the Making It Grow Facebook page. The Facebook post  reached 2,689 people with 204 engagements.

An increased awareness in the importance of pollinators has resulted in a heightened interest in creating pollinator friendly landscapes.The objective of the podcast was to encourage homeowners to change the way they think about managing their landscapes from the default of large expanses of turfgrass, which has relatively low ecological value, to only strategically placed turfgrass.  The host and Extension Association discussed a project at the Extension Associate’s residence which reduced lawn area by approximately 625 square feet through two beds with transplants and one bed with a drought tolerant wildflower seed mix. An emphasis was placed on providing diversity to meet the needs of the diverse insect world but it was also noted that options are available for those that prefer a neater, more manicure aesthetic.  The conversation went beyond pollinators and also discussed the importance of insects in the landscape, especially caterpillars, for supporting songbird reproduction since many enjoy attracting birds to their backyards.