Audio Recording

Aaron J.H. Nygren
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska

Nygren, A.J.*1,
1 Extension Educator, University of Nebraska, Schuyler, NE, 68661

The purpose of this audio recording was to make listeners aware of the finding of frogeye leaf spot resistant to the QOI fungicides. This audio recording covered one of my monthly spots that I record for KTIC Radio to air during their Extension Corner series. This series exposes listeners to short two or three minute long radio spots covering Nebraska Extension information Monday through Friday every week, with each day having a different subject matter focus. Our team of four extension agronomists in Northeast Nebraska takes turns covering the Thursday radio spot. The objective of my radio spot for the fifth Thursday in the month of January was to provide listeners with information about some of characteristics of frogeye leaf spot, results of UNL testing in 2019 that found resistance to the QOI group fungicides, and management options going forward. I felt that this was an important topic to cover given that many farmers are still unaware of frogeye leaf spot in Nebraska and that recent research showed a problem that was going to impact how farmers should treat for the disease. I also felt like this was a good way to reinforce one of the key messages for resistance management of using multiple modes of action. I prepared this recording by typing my script ahead of time. I then used Audacity computer software and a USB microphone to record and edit the presentation in my office as an MP3 file. This file was then emailed to the radio station. This 2 minute and 22 second recording was aired on KTIC Radio on January 30th, 2020 at 11:17 a.m. on their 840 AM station which reaches listeners across eastern Nebraska, as well as the southeast corner of South Dakota and the western edge of Iowa.