Feature Story

David P. Russell
Assistant Research and Extension Professor
Alabama Cooperative Extension System

Russell, D.P.*1,
1 Assistant Research and Extension Professor, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Belle Mina, AL, 35615

Many growers in the mid-South would like to think the work on the farm was finished once the last truckload leaves the field following harvest. This is a critical time to remain proactive in regard to weed control in the remaining time of summer growth. Corn harvest, for example, leaves on average nearly two months of favorable growing conditions for weed species like Palmer amaranth, prickly sida, and morningglories to recover. This Extension article, posted as “Timely Information”, has served the farming population with integrated weed management options to finish the season like they began, free of weeds. This feature story has been published by at least 4 additional sources outside of Alabama Cooperative Extension Service and has been read at least 74 times. This information will remain relevant to growers across the mid-South for at least the next few seasons to come.