Audio Recording

Mark Allen Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources
OSU Extension
Hardin County

Badertscher, M.A.*1,
1 Agriculture and Natural Resources, OSU Extension, Kenton, OH, 43326

This audio recording is a radio interview conducted at WKTN radio in Kenton, Ohio and can be found on FM 95.3 in that area.  The 2019 planting season brought along many challenges because of the record rains and the fact that farmers could not get into most fields to plant until the last week of June.  Most crops were not planted until the first week of July.  As a result, Hardin County was second in the state of Ohio for prevented planting acres with over 91,000 acres not planted.  This radio interview was broadcast on June 22, 2019 as a part of "In the Public Eye."  The entire program was 30 minutes, althought this is a 14:40 segment.  It was on the air at 7:30 am on that Saturday morning and features the above author being interviewed by local radio host Dennis Beverly.