
Melissa Morgan
Extension Agent
Mississippi State University Extension Service
SW - Copiah

Morgan, M.*1,
1 Extension Agent, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Hazlehurst, MS, 39083

The Copiah County 4-H youth, parents, and volunteers participate in various activities offered through the Copiah County Extension Office. Once a month or every other month, a newsletter is mailed to those individuals. The newsletters includes the various activities that are being offered to the 4-H youth, parents, and volunteers for the upcoming months. The August 2019 and March 2020 newsletter published included activities for the following: Sewing, Shooting Sports, Livestock, Cookout Contest, Project Achievement Day, Horse, Scholarships, Poultry Chain and Club Congress. There were also activities listed for the general 4-H youth and volunteers to participate. The newsletter also served as a form of recognition for youth that have excelled in activities. This newsletter was mailed to approximately 958 youth, parents, and volunteers. Of those that received newsletter, almost half were minorities. The newsletter was also made available for electronic viewing. The number of audience members that viewed it electronically is undocumented. The newsletter helped to inform the youth and volunteers of activities and increased participation in those activities.