
Tyler Williams
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lancaster County

Williams, T.*1, , Shulski, Martha2,
1 Extension Educator, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 68528
2 Nebraska State Climatologist, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 68503

At the end of 2018, the 4th National Climate Assessment was released providing the latest information on climate trends, projections, and impacts in the United States. This publication provides regionally focused information, however, interpretation of the data and locally-focused information was lacking. With that in mind, we worked with the North Central Climate Collaborative to develop the Nebraska Climate Summary to address those needs. This is a collection of two-page summaries providing a Nebraska-specific climate overview and a brief summary of selected sectors. This publication is directed towards Extension professionals,government agencies, and the general public who want to better understand climate impacts in Nebraska. Each section was written to be used independently, so users can focus on certain sections of interest. To date, more than 200 printed copies have been distributed and emailed to hundreds more. The publication is also available on Co-authors and developers are Tyler Williams, Lancaster County, Nebraska and Martha Shulski, Nebraska State Climate Office.