Event Promotional Package

Emily Standley


Standley, E.*1,
1 , , Lewistown, MT, 59457

A nearly universal responsibility for Extension agents in Montana is to also serve as the county coordinator for Private Applicator Training (PAT). In this role, county agents are responsible for testing and training individuals who intend to use restricted-use pesticides. One option for individuals to earn a private applicator’s license is through an initial training program, which involves approximately seven hours of in-class learning, covering introductory, but crucial, topics such as safety, pesticide laws, and properly reading labels. These initial training events are also an opportunity for current license-holders to earn continuing education credits for maintaining their license.

The attached flyer, press release, and letter were used as promotional items to inform local communities about an initial private applicator training program in May of 2019. I wrote both the letter and the press release, and developed the flyer myself, using a free, online design platform. The press release was run in our local newspaper, the Lewistown News Argus, which is distributed throughout many surrounding communities. The letter contains very similar wording to the press release, except that a more specific agenda is included. This letter was sent directly to current private pesticide applicators in Fergus and Petroleum Counties, and was also sent to individuals whose license had recently expired. The flyer was hung in the Extension office and local businesses; was posted on our county Extension Facebook page; and was shared with our e-newsletter email list (approximately 200 recipients). The flyer and press release were designed to provide more generalized information, with just enough detail to inform readers and gain their interest. The letter was tailored toward people already familiar with PAT programming, so more specific details were included. 48 individuals attended this training program; 27 attendees obtained their private applicator’s license that day, and the remaining 21 attendees earned 6 continuing education credits. The most important impact of this event is that local applicators improved their knowledge about safe and efficient pesticide use, which leads to environmental, financial, and community benefits as well.