
Brian C Pugh
Area Agronomist
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension
Northeast District

Pugh, B.C.*1, , Clawson, S.2, , Bain, B.3, , Richards, C.4,
1 Area Agronomist, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension, Muskogee, OK, 74401
2 Area Ag Economist, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension, Muskogee, OK, 74401
3 County Educator - Agriculture & CED, Oklahoma State University, Idabel, OK, 74745
4 Director - Field Research Service Unit, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 74078

~~In early 2018, a grazing demonstration was established on a 270 head cowherd at an Oklahoma State University Research Station. The herd at this location had remained static in below average body condition, which had led to depressed conception rates. Cow costs were higher than desired, with feed costs (pasture + Hay + supplement) making up a large portion of expenditures. The goal was to improve production efficiency of this research cowherd by managing winter feeding costs. A plan was implemented to make systematic improvements in forage management, utilizing rotational grazing of both warm and cool season forages to reduce the winter feeding period, and in turn improve cow productivity and economic efficiency. This year-round grazing research update bulletin was composed and published by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Area Agronomy Specialist, with valuable input from the Area Ag Econ Specialist.  Its purpose was to provide forage management information, backed by actual cow performance data, that is timely and pertinent to commercial beef production in Oklahoma.  It was also used to educate OCES County Educators, stakeholders, donors and administration about the progress of the grazing demonstration.  Following the first year of planned system improvements and data recording, two field days were hosted at the site averaging 40 producers.  Based on clientele input and interest in the topic, that number is expected to rise in future years.  However, the full reach of this project, still in its’ infancy, has been significantly greater. This information has been shared at over 40 county, district and state producer meetings and beef conferences reaching over 1600 producers. It has also been distributed by email and through personal hand out.  The OSU website has been undergoing a facelift since this went to print, but it will soon be posted there as well.  Ultimately, this project is a pilot to develop a curriculum used by county educators to identify, recruit and train a cooperating producer in their respective county.  This producer will serve as a “local research unit” for hosting field days, tours and educational events within each county.