
Wendy Becker
Montana State University

Becker, W.*1, , Lewis, K. L.*2,
1 Agent, Montana State University, Poplar, MT, 59255
2 Extension Agent, Montana State Universtiy, Cut Bank, MT, 59427

Bull Selection can be one of the most important economically important management decisions that a livestock producer can make.  Bulls have a tremendous impact on the genetics of a cow herd, and according to Iowa State University, the returns on Investment between good and below-average sires for traits of interest can be 15% or greater.  Montana bull buyers continually seek guidance on which is the best bull to choose.  Desired goals can be spread throughout management and ownership of operations.  This publication gives a basic look at what Expected Progeny Differences are, and how to effectively use them.  It includes charts, pedigree breakdown information, and several useful and practical information sections.  It is written for livestock producers from beginning to advanced operations.  Distribution has been to all 56 county and 4 reservation offices, as well as a downloadable page on the MSU Extension publication page.  County and Reservation agents (Lewis and Becker) collaborated to develop, write, and produce the publication, following guidelines and review from the MSU Extension Distribution Center.  Publication date was used to coincide with bull sales around the State.  Producers talks, beginning farmer and rancher meetings, cattlemen seminars, and in-service programs have all used the publication as a guideline for increasing their knowledge of EPD’s, using this publication.