Computer Generated Presentation with Script

Jennifer Fishburn
Extension Educator, Horticulture
University of Illinois Extension

Fishburn, J.*1,
1 Extension Educator, Horticulture, University of Illinois Extension, Unit 16, Springfield, IL, 62707

Fishburn,* J.L.

Horticulture Educator, University of Illinois Extension, Sangamon-Menard Unit, Springfield, Illinois 62707

Jennifer offered this powerpoint presentation as part of a University of Illinois Extension horticulture team Four Seasons Gardening Webinar Series. The fifty minute live webinar was presented using skype to 159 participants. The webinar was available to all 102 counties in Illinois. Program description is as follows. Gardening with culinary herbs is a great way to add interest and fragrance to the landscape. Herbs can be easily grown in a kitchen garden, container garden or mixed within the landscape. Tips will also be shared on using herbs to attract pollinating insects.