Search for Excellence in Young, Beginning, or Small Farmers/Ranchers

Chase T Brooke
County Extension Agent- Agriculture & Natural Resources
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Brooke, C.T.*1, , Tolleson, M.2, , Rymel, J3,
1 County Extension Agent- Agriculture & Natural Resources, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Mckinney, TX, 75069
2 County Extension Agent - Agriculture & Natural Resources, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Sherman, TX, 75090
3 County Extension Agent - Agriculture & Natural Resources, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Linden, TX, 75563

The Northeast Texas Live in the Field video series is an ongoing online program implemented via Facebook to engage with new and non-traditional clientele across the Northeast Texas region on a variety of introductory agriculture and natural resource management topics using weekly short videos. Initially conceived in March of 2020 during a district Agriculture & Natural Resources strategy session, this program has consistently provided weekly videos filmed and provided by County Extension Agents and specialists from across Texas’ Extension District 4. Goals and outcomes for this program were as follows:

  • Use short, impactful videos to educate the general public on a wide variety of approachable agriculture/natural resources topics
  • Expand the reach of AgriLife Extension in Northeast Texas to new clientele
  • Provide an opportunity for County Extension Agents across District 4 to present information, and increase their recognition across the area.

From the first video posted on April 3rd through to December 2nd, we posted 31 videos, accrued 857 page likes, 23,540 video views, and 71,956 people reached via Facebook. From demographic analytics data available via Facebook, the majority of followers were women between the ages of 25-54, which accounted for 54% of the all page followers. Overall, women of all ages comprised 60% of all followers, and when segmented by age a majority fell between 25 and 64 with the largest single age segment was 35-44yrs with 26% of the total, followed by 24-34yrs (22%). These views, likes, and engagements represent clientele that are typically underrepresented in our traditional programming in the District and continuing this series serves as a means to improve our outreach and marketing towards those groups.